Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Mothers to exercise

"SSC to launch campaign to get mothers to exercise

SINGAPORE: The Singapore Sports Council said less than 40 per cent of mothers in their thirties and forties exercise regularly. So it is launching a three-month fitness campaign aimed at getting sedentary women moving.

The planned activities include over 20 women-only fitness tryouts called Ladies Escapades. They include mother and child martial arts, Thai kick-boxing and fun karting.

According to a survey by the Singapore Sports Council, the top three reasons many women cite for not exercising are lack of time due to family, work or plain lack of interest."

Smart move to include both mother and child in exercising regime cos' I seriously think it's quite hard for mothers to take time away from their children to exercise(but well, I myself wasn't even exercising now! whahaha!)

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