Wednesday, September 24, 2008



Any children?

These are the qns that people of a certain age group are constantly being asked.

If your answer is yes, then how prepared are u?

Over lunch, a colleague was sharing with us that she was on leave for the whole week to prepare for her daughter's 1 yr old birthday. 1 wk!?!! As the conversation continues to the plan for a 2nd kid, her reaction was, "too expensive, can't afford" kind of answer.

I paused.

I have seen ppl in extreme situation who are struggling to make ends meet but yet manage to bring up their kids in a comfortable yet not extravagant fact, these kids are one of the most adorable, matured and smartest kids, what are the constraints that we have defined for ourselves? How competitive are u as parents?

Which type of parent will I be?
Seriously, I can't be sure...

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