Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The best gift

I took the day off to pamper myself. In fact, it's a present for myself. I know I deserve it..

I finally got to meet HER! As usual, time was what we were constrained by...

As you grow older, where priority and everything changes...it's a blessing that there's still frens like this around. Someone who doesn't require much attention, much talking, explanation and such but accept you for who u truly are...

That was part 1.

Part 2: Shopping

Part 3: pedicure and medicure.
The old staffs are no longer then. Having checked my record, my last visit was like a yr ago! Been a while ya...

Part 4: Check out the Skinfood products!
Tried almost everything there. Spent like an hour there...have to pass 38 my shopping list before her holiday! wahahah!

Part 5: Dinner
Before I know, I was late for my appt. FIC called and complained!

Part 6: Hair
No appointment made but Dicky was able to work on my hair. Another good experience-nice colour!

Anyway, that was how I spent my day the way I want it just when everyone else was working...keke..

A pity though that I wasn't able to meet Ms "protect me". Hope she's feeling much better now.

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