Sunday, January 31, 2010

Dish 3-Mee siam

I needed something to "wake up" my taste buds which were forced to go to sleep by my medication for the past week and so Mee Siam was prepared. I have to admit that I am pretty satisfied with the end result...keke...

To perfect it, fishcake, prawn and little dried shrimps will have to be added next time round. =)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Dish 2-Rosemary lamb

This was what made me turned down our neighbours invitation to join them for dinner yesterday but they were kind enough to bring over some food. A likes it medium raw while I like it well done. ..but well, I think he simply loveeeee the dish...haha...I could tell from his finger licking gesture. keke

Friday, January 29, 2010

Dish 1: Scrambled eggs for A

I have to admit that I can so relate to the show Julie & Juliet, esp the part when Julie explained to the husband(like me) thatcooking is something that u have control over the output of the dish for the effort you have put into creating the dish.

First dish tried/extracted from and after watching J&J is what I call scrambled egg for “A”..keke…I didn’t know that so much butter and cream has to be added to the scrambled egg!

did I do? I created a healthier version. Less butter and cream.. thus- a less watering version..keke..

It's my new record

4 MCs within a week..

Monday, January 25, 2010

2010: I am inspired by Julie & Julia

Someone said to me," u have got to watch J&J!".

Indeed, after watching the show, I was inspired. I can totally relate to the show!!

This will/should/might be the start to the journey...=P

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

She's from Hell

I tried but still I am getting hell from her. She’s bias and it’s very obvious. At least to our group. And that is scary. My wish is that ppl will get to see the real her. How did she answer for her behavior in front of god?

Sunday, January 10, 2010


I experienced the magic in Disneyland-HK today.

A land of fantasy.

Dreams do come true.

Disneyland makes a difference to me now, or rather to us. =)