Monday, August 31, 2009

saying "I don't know"

A person with so much love that she wanna so eagerly give away might not really know how to give/share that affection.

How much to give? When to give?

It’s an art. No doubt.

That is why I find it fascinating to observe. To observe ignorance, eagerness, awkwardness and disappointment(the list just goes on…)

Yes, I myself is learning with everyone else in every aspect…

Yen’s quote: “U learn when u admit your ignorance. U learn when u dare to say I don’t know”

Friday, August 28, 2009

Hunger for attention

I can’t help it but shake my head when I hear her talk. The low pitch was unbearable. She trying to broadcast that she’s working on “something” is so obvious. Unknown to her is the fact that many knew that she was trying to capture people attention. Childish. Or should I say I pity her?

Summary: -Education doesn’t affect your professionalism. (it just make you more self conscious)
-Those who made the loudest sound tends to be the least busy(why? Cos’ u need to broadcast your existence)

Her hunger for attention is just overwhelming…

Thursday, August 27, 2009

mummy no no no...

2nd rag changed, 2nd vomiting incident, all the whining and not forgetting the stories and complaints from mothers around me, I am almost certain that I am not suitable to be a mummy.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Attention seekers?

Lately, I noticed that married women around me have been turning their attention to their friends(instead of their partner and family)…

Observation: They will get all excited over company/ outing/ conversation with their friends and never over their hubby or family.

Why? Feeling neglected? Are they trying to fill up that empty spot in their life? But what is that empty spot? Why friends? Why not their partners or family? And guess what? It seems to be happening to more females than male…

Then comes my next question. Are female hungry for attention, care and concern more than the males?

Saturday, August 15, 2009

what will u do?

After knowing that they are going to put the dog to sleep, I felt really sad. Why? Just cos’ the dog has a genetic disorder? That the dog stinks and have super serious skin issue? I was furious at one point in time..after probing, with more information gathered. We realized that the choice was almost similar to choosing between your kid and your dog. What would you pick if u are them? It doesn’t help when the parents/in laws come into the pic..

At least they are nice to say that they willing to pay someone to nurse the dog till death……

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


With age, with experience, with loss, family means more than anything else..

Monday, August 3, 2009


I am out of the Facebook phase. Up close and personal communication seems more real to me..that's why I am back to blogging...=P

We have been tired. Tired adjusting to the changes and housework. haha!

But man, aren't we proud and happy over our little acheivement! keke...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Stray Dog

Some might regard lab as stray dogs but who cares?! Our Rex has a number tag k. He's registered k?! whahaha