Monday, June 30, 2008

Insecured(part 2)

Talking about being insecured, who would guessed that even a big dog like him can be super insecured too...

Picture this:

Daddy went outside of the house to get rid of some rubbish. His hands are full of bags. Naturally, he left the boy at home. I left the door ajar. He stood there by the fence, waiting for his daddy. Only after some coaxing , did he agree to come in. He was really happy when daddy come back into the house. But well, daddy actually came back for more rubbish....busy, daddy forgot to explain to Rex what he is doing and walk out of the house again. Again, the boy walk to the gate, watched his daddy walk away, paused for a while before coming back into the house to throw tantrum. How did he do it? He shedded the newspapers on the floor....hmmm....

Insecured(part 1)

Thinking that I am going to leave, Martini actually stood up and look over the sofa(a sofa that is big for her size)... Look at her expression! She had this, "where did she go" look.... =)

She's my baby.... =)

Sunday, June 29, 2008


Another hectic week(esp so on the weekend...) that passed. It was bad..left me physically and mentally exhausted. My limps are still fact, I didn't have the strength to carry anything at one point in time.

All the packing, shifting, scutinising, adapting, cleaning, unpacking and so much more were overwhelming.

However, we did reward ourselves with some really yummy dinners! There were some unanticipated surprises in the midst of all these activities though. Stay tuned for those updates yo?

Consequent of all these activities? A sore throat and migraine that refused to go away.... =(

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Korean War remembered

Another article caught my attention this morning...

One of the prisoners of war (POW), Kim Jin Soo, recently escaped the North. The 74-year-old POW fought in the Korean War at the age of 17 and was captured by the North Koreans in 1953.

The Korean government admits there are more than 500 POWs in North Korea, but there are no official talks underway between the two Koreas to bring them back home

"It doesn't make sense. In other countries, they are even searching for dead bodies, and Japan is trying to bring home their abducted citizens. We cannot just do nothing," said a South Korean.

A recent survey of about 1,000 middle and high school students showed that 57 per cent of them did not know that the Korean War broke out on June 25, 1950. 51 percent of the respondents did not know that the war broke out with the invasions of the North Koreans.

And as young South Koreans begin to forget the Korean War, many will not understand why Kim struggled for 55 years to try to return to the country that he fought to defend, and the hundreds of POWs who were caught by the North Koreans and are still waiting for their government to come and rescue them
(Extracts from Channelnewsasia)

Kim-a part of history that was forgotten, choose to be forgotten? How does it feel to be a part of history where most or that sole party that you can depend on to save you choose to forget?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Nini inside the car

This is a must-do for nini when she's inside the car. She will be standing by the window, looking around..but interesting, once in the main road, she will know that it's time to move away from the window. Well, it's either she knows that it's dangerous or it's just too noisy for her or maybe she's just not interested vehicles! haha...



Somehow it's so hard to forget this #. It's back on the list again.
It's still available... It's available yet unreachable.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Give me a room!!!!

Is it really so hard to book a hotel in Taipei? I have been informed of an "overbooking" situation for like the third time! grrrrrrrrrr....

Any CHEAP + CLEAN + CONVENIENT recommendation? Anyone?

Auntie yen..

When mummy asked david if they should send me home or drop me at any train station, his reply was home. It was an immediate response. I thought little david's parents taught them but mummy shake her head and said,"We didn't teach him. There's just something very gentlemen about him...". She continued to ask David the reason for his choice.

Little David's response was(loud and clear, said in a matter of fact manner), "Because we love Auntie Yen!"


Sunday, June 22, 2008

She is so Ember!

Ember =Spark

No doubt about that. When her mummy stroke her and said,"Hello Ember, can you move a little to let auntie Yen see you?" She really did!!!!

Based on her current position, it could be her hand that had caused the sudden sweet...Ember said hi to me today!!!! wahahahah! I'm feeling super contented today!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Advance birthday gift

I got my first birthday present for 2008.

First the little one was telling me that they bought us something, I thought it was some kids talk cos' mother has a weird look on her face. After dinner, before getting into the vehicle, the little one passed me a paper bag and the whole family started to sing the Happy birthday song(2 versions some more...keke). Even Arielle joined in. haha!

When the singing was over, I thanked them for the advanced celebration. J looked at me and mentioned something about the late celebration or verify the actual date with me only to find that she had got the order of the date wrong...haha! It was a nice gesture no doubt.

It's interesting how both of us can get each other's birthdate wrong all the time. haha! For 3 yrs, I have mistaken her birthday to be a month before the actual date! =P

Mother's love

Suddenly I felt this warmth in me. I almost cried...

She told me that the one thing that she looks foward to every month(more than her pay day) since she got pregnant was to see her baby....

Back then, you wouldn't expect her to say something like this. Never...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Is this Singapore

I was talking to a friend from Shanghai the other day. Throughout the whole conversation, she had a thousand and 1 complaints about Singapore. Interestingly, I didn't try to defend us.

Somehow, I agree with her...Well, how would u react to the following?

-air and water quality is bad. She used to love going to the beach when she was working in Australia. At least once every week. I asked her about the beach in Singapore. Her reaction was, "I went to the different beach in Singapore. Went to all of them once and I don't think I will go again...the water is really dirty"

-The weather is hot, that doesn't allow your skin to "calm down", ie to rest cos' your pores are expanded. So you will need extra effort on applying those skin care products in order to restore yor skin to a healthy level. In fact, she's not the first person from China who made that comment to me. Many return to China being questioned on their skin condition. She mentioned that gals back there doesn't rely much on makeup and skin care products given the air quality. Here in Singapore, it's a must to do sad..

-Everyone is so stressed out. Does Singaporean really know what is quality of life? It's all about waking up to go to work and going straight home after which cos' u are too tired at the end of the day(esp if u are in the service line) Maybe that's why many Singaporeans drag to me in the service line and that's why we are getting in much foreigners to fill up the positions?

-Singaporeans are workaholics. Does anyone dare to say no to their employer and reason with their boss on the workload and excessive hours clocked?

What's your comments?


It was unplanned for. I really enjoyed the conversation. So much was shared. It's interesting how much they have observed and felt even if I don't see them very often. In fact, I got this sudden warmt in me when one mentioned, "why don't u go Hokkaido with me?! I am planning for one!" I could see that they wanted to continue to talk to me but I got to go then..

It's been a while since I talk so much and so long...

Someone made this comment on me lately, "u're known to be V cheerful...& suddenly become solemn...that's why 'Variance' is too huge"

You will see my 1000watts smile soon. =)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Her first reaction when she saw me was, "Oh no, what happened to your face?!?"

She's not the first and she won't be the last person to ask me that. I have been questioned so many times on my face recently. The sudden outbreak is irritating me big time.

It's different from the one that I got when I got back from US. This time round, they are not big lumpy ones like then but small and all wrapped up. Almost every pores is blocked....arghhh......

The comments don't only refer to the outbreak but there are concerns on the disappearing glow on my face...

Well, this is definitely one of those times that you do not want people to pay too much attention on you..=(

Monday, June 16, 2008

Carpet? oh no...

What is this? Nope, it's not a carpet...
It's nini! ^_^

(she's smiling)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Something is wrong

I knew that the weekend was packed with activities...didn't dare to list the activities out cos' I knew that they would slowly fall into place and so the nightmares and migraine didn't help...this has to stop...I have been getting migraine and nightmares..something is very very wrong....what made is worse is that some kid(TLX) has been calling me a monster(cos' of my size!!! sob sob sob...)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

update on bear bear

I did asked Rex where did bear bear go.

I didn't get any answer but this was the look he gave me. *GUILTY*

Well...maybe not..acting blur that he has nothing to do with the current state of bear bear....sigh...can't he just be more gentle with his toys?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

bear bear

This was what boy boy picked up @ his paradise...a little bear...
We could tell that he really like the bear bear cos he kept the bear bear securely inside his mouth all the time....worried that we will take it away from it...given so, we decided to take the it home with us...

This is Rex with his new toy at home.  

Make a guess, how is bear bear now...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


We are seriously not worried when it comes to identifying this boy. Why?

Well..Have u come across another lab which has a birthmark on his tongue?

This boy is indeed kuku...he even has a birthmark at the weirdest spot. -_-

Monday, June 9, 2008

wanton noodles(update)

If you can recall I recommended this yummy wanton noodle stall in one of my previous post and I did pass a comment on the attitude thingy. Remember?

Guess what? The other day, the stall owner(one of them) actually asked us to find a seat and brought the food right to our table. ^_^ well....maybe she's just like me-born with that attitude face.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

creativity? messy?

This is whar I saw at Expo the other day....even though it was super duper crowded, this little gal caught my attention...whatz up with the hair?????!

Sis, please don't do this to Ember! =P

Thursday, June 5, 2008

TV commercial

(image extracted from TODAY)

A woman found it hard to sleep after seeing this TV commercial...

Another criticism has it that kids might find the commercial frightening(sure? dare the kids now to do anything, they will take you on for almost everything...=])?

How do you find this commercial?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Attachment program

With their attachment program coming to an end this week, I can't help but ask myself, "What have these these kids learnt? I am not sure but these are my observations..

-chatting inside the toilet
-that forever "make sure I look good" session in the toilet
-surfing the internet(well...they should be knowledgeable with all the non work related areas after their attachment..keke)
-Ogling at the gals
-waiting for the day to end?

So what are they going to update their school on? hmmm...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Die die must buy!

Rex happened to be standing in front of this print out when I took this photo. It was meant for the shampoo advertisement right above this turns out to be quite comical having Rex in there ya?!

WARNING!!! Our advice to those that were comtemplating to get a lab to consider their energy level before getting one! haha.. =p

Monday, June 2, 2008


That was the first time that we met, or rather I got to see him but surprisingly I could remember his face very very clearly...that is how he looked on the photo and how he looked lying inside the coffin...

Rex is sick

Boy boy is sick...

Sunday, June 1, 2008


How big are these shoes? Well, they are approximately twice my shoe size-ie, a good size 8 x 2. ^__^