Friday, February 29, 2008


There's always something to make my day special.

So when something extraordinary(in a good way) happens, it's a bonus.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Round Market

Check out the queue...In fact, at the round market(that's what they call it-due to it's construction), this is a common sight at most of the stores. Reasonably priced and good food...well, of course, you have to try the food there to verify that statement. =]
This is one of my usual pick for brunch. Pork rib noodles...yum is so good, I will even swallow the soft bones....keke...
Check out the bobo chacha at the all so popular desert store. Generous helping(given the small bowl). Consider yourself lucky if you can still grab a bowl by noon. And well, I was lucky last weekend! ^_^

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

free gift

This is what I chance upon the other day at one of the shopping malls in Singapore. They were giving away pearls for customers who had made purchases up to a certain amount(I suspected the minimum amount is not little...)

People were queuing up as someone sat there, literally shells to extract pearls. Once open, the pearls were wipe clean and passed on to the customer, who then proceed on to another section to have these pearls made into earrings and such. Well...I was in a rush..but I suspect they will have to pay for that part...interesting ya?

Monday, February 25, 2008

Whining Rex

He was whining outside the kitchen. I thought he was being difficult....or rather greedy...I thought he was asking me for food again(after giving him his doggy snack twice) and thus I scolded him...

Just when I said "Rex, mummy is very angry!", daddy interrupted "Is he thirsty?"


I have left his water tray inside the kitchen... -_-

Daddy knows best....sigh...

Sunday, February 24, 2008


What is efficiency measured against?

Friday, February 22, 2008

Pineapple & cranberry pastry

Pineapple & cranberry pastry, that's what was labelled on the wrapper. It doesn't look appealing from the outside. I tell you-opinion changes with that first bite!

The pineapple and cranberry combination is just right. It's not too sweet which I had presumed it to be. I will ensure that I really stock up on this yummy devils if I manage to lay my hands on them. haha!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sha qi

What is "sha qi"?

Sha qi is when I have to raise my voice like crazy in order to get Rex to behave(thus affecting my singing now..sob sob...excuses..keke..) but all someone has to do is walk towards Rex and that boy will know that daddy is angry(he didn't raise his voice at all!!!). He will obediently move to his usual spot for punishment....

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Odd...someone is out there playing soccer(alone) at this time of the's close to midnight...

A closer was only a life-size figurine placed in the middle of the field for what I believe to promote sports...

But it sure looks spooky at night...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Lydia Sum

Veteran HK actress Lydia Sum dies

This was in the headlines and highlights in today's night.

It was a shock...

It was a loss...

One scene on TV caught my attention. The part whereby Lydia's daughter, Joyce, was surrounded by photographers and reporters.


One of the coldest and most scary place on earth(at least to me). Someone had just lost the one and only person that she's closest to....How was Joyce feeling at that point in time?

I might know or rather guess....It's nothing.

And I do have reasons to suggest so...

winking rex

Someone who doesn't really believe in marriage popped me a very interesting qns/comment-when is my "big day".

What makes it more interesting is the suggestion after which "Get the dog to be the flower girl". Haha!

Monday, February 18, 2008

1 year

-1 Year Anniversary-
But he's still in our memories

weed-what for?

I was sorting my photos the other day when I found this-something I have observed in Indonesia. The reason why this photo was taken was cos' I was puzzled...

In a place whereby many were trying to make ends meet...why are people transporting weeds on their bikes? What made this even more interesting is the fact that this is a common sight....
Or should I ask-are these herbs? If so, are they readily available everywhere for everyone? Why didn't we ask the driver? Well... our ability to communicate in Bahasa is really limited and I guessed we had really pushed our driver to the limits(both physically and mentally =P)

Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy V day to u!

Hope you had lots of fun and romance celebrating V day with your love ones(friends, family, relatives, partners and all)!

I did.

In fact, I do.

Cos' everyday is V day to me!

This has to be one of coolest adaptation/customisation made to any festival/special occasion I have seen so far(copied from the Goggle website)

Thursday, February 14, 2008


The tentage business is getting more competitive....not only are businesses competing in terms of the shapes and designs of the tents, the accessories that comes with it is getting more and more interesting....

Check this out-Gone are the days where you see people squatting beside a big tub, washing the soiled utensils, plates and bowls... impressive huh?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

CNY fireworks near the Esplanade

The view from across the esplanade has always been beautiful
( least to me)
But it was especially so that night....

Monday, February 11, 2008


A strange box on the table.....hmmm...
What could be in this interesting looking container? Take a peep?
Wala! It's a box of goodies!!
Cool concept for a CNY goodie bag ya?!

Happy New Year!

Huat ah!

May I propose that I start the new yr with a splash of red(NO-too bright?)

Lion dance?(NO-too noisy?)
Exchanging of Mandarin oranges for good luck?(NO-don't believe in that?)

Abalone? (NO-don't really know how to appreciate the taste?)

A nice hamper with all the yummy goodies?( NO-you are not a food person?)

How about a plate of freshly prepared yusheng?

(NO-you can't bare the raw taste and smell?)


Cai Sheng with Beer lady?! cool deal? haha!!!


A person that surprised us with these wonderful snacks...
A person that easily fill the room up with laughters...
A person who doesn't only looks young but also feels young at heart...
A person with the courage to move on...
We shall meet again my fren...

Monday, February 4, 2008

Watch your manner!

I saw her walking pass me...

She took something from my desk without asking for my permission(have never really spoken to her)...

When she walked pass me, she was holding onto food taken from my desk. Without a word of thanks, she shouted out to her colleague in a very "I don't care" manner "Hi XXX, I have self service myself to the food!"


Memory issue? Ego issue? Manner issue?

I would prefer to take it that when a person gets older, the memories fails and we forget the fundamentals and thus at times appears to be ill-manner or snobbish to others..

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Once again, blackie had saved our day!

It was an activities-packed weekend. It was obvious, cos' you could see Mr Green turning purple by the end of the doesn't help with a monkey around....keke..

Couldn't have done all that without his help....

"Huang li su"

This is an announcement to my victims out there!!
The factory is on strike...

We will not be making any "huang li su" this year... ^_^

Friday, February 1, 2008

Am I fat or fatter?


I am gradually finding an association with this photo....

I think I am outgrowing my pants!!!!! I burst my pants or rather zip the other is this a I am fat or I am fatter now situation?!